
- asciidoc : uses the Yupiik asciidoc implementation to render an asciidoc file in HTML. - audit : custom attributes. By default _partials and images folders are set to partialsdir and imagesdir attributes. - crypt-properties : enables to crypt a properties file. - crypt-value : enables to crypt a value and log it. - cucumber2asciidoc : convert cucumber JSON report(s) into an asciidoc file which can be rendered with PDF or HTML goals. - decrypt-properties : enables to decrypt an encrypted properties file. - decrypt-value : enables to decrypt a value. - generate-blog-post-releases : fetch releases from github repo to generate a blog post. The search is between 2 dates. - git-report : generates a report from a .git folder. - inject-version : injects a select in an already generated website - like minisite one - enabling to switch between listed version from a folder. It can be combined with some javascript to switch between the websites without regenerating everything. - list-github-releases : fetch github releases between two dates. - minisite : minisite goal. Enables to generate a small website. It needs a "documentation" module, it uses the following default layout:
  • src/main/doc/content: contains a set of .adoc (converted to .html)

  • src/main/doc/assets: contains a set of files moved "as this" to site output directory (css, js)

  • src/main/doc/templates: contains the templates for the layout and pages of the website - pdf : custom attributes. By default _partials and images folders are set to partialsdir and imagesdir attributes. - script-cli-skeleton : seed a simple bash CLI. - serve-minisite : minisite goa with HTTP server. - serve-slides : custom attributes. - simple-dependencies : which format to use to dump them. - slides : custom attributes. - synchronize-github-releases : fetch versions of the defined artifacts on a nexus and ensures it is set as github release artifacts. - watch-pdf : custom attributes. By default _partials and images folders are set to partialsdir and imagesdir attributes.