Fetch github releases between two dates.



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn yupiik-tools:list-github-releases.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn yupiik-tools:list-github-releases@my-execution command.


forceHttpV1 (boolean)

Default value: true. Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.forceHttpV1}.

fromDate (String)

Default value: auto. Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.from}.

githubBaseApi (String)

Default value: https://api.github.com/ . Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.githubRepository}.

githubServerId (String)

Default value: github.com. Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.githubServerId}.

projects (List)

Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.artifacts}.

threads (int)

Default value: 16. Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.threads}.

toDate (String)

Default value: auto. Property: ${yupiik.list-github-releases.to}.