Generates a report from a .git folder.



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn yupiik-tools:git-report.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn yupiik-tools:git-report@my-execution command.



* means the parameter is required.

dotGit* (

"Where .git folder to analyze is. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.dotGit}.

filters (io.yupiik.maven.mojo.GitReportMojo$GitLogFilter)

Options to filter the git log value. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.filters}.

logFormat (io.yupiik.maven.mojo.GitReportMojo$GitLogFormat)

How to format a log line if the renderer needs to. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.logFormat}.

overwrite (boolean)

If true existing report is overwritten else it fails if it already exists. Default value: true. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.overwrite}.

renderers (io.yupiik.maven.mojo.GitReportMojo$Renderer[])

Kind of rendering. Default value: DEFAULT. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.renderer}.

target (

Where to write the report. Default value: ${}/yupiik-git/report.adoc. Property: ${}.

title (String)

Report title. Default value: Report. Property: ${yupiik.git-report.title}.