Uses the Yupiik asciidoc implementation to render an asciidoc file in HTML.



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn yupiik-tools:asciidoc.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn yupiik-tools:asciidoc@my-execution command.



* means the parameter is required.

input* (String)

The file to render. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.input}.

output* (String)

Where to write the output. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.output}.

assets (List)

Assets folder to copy before the rendering next to the output. Can host js, css etc...

attributes (Map)

attributes. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.attributes}.

base (String)

include resolution base directory. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.base}.

dataUriForAscii2Svg (boolean)

should ascii2svg diagram be rendered as svg or img tag. Default value: true. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.dataUriForAscii2Svg}.

openBrowser (boolean)

Should the browser be opened after the rendering in watch mode (ignored otherwise). Can be true/false. Default value: true. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.openBrowser}.

port (int)

Port to launch the server when opening the browser in watch mode. Default value: 4200. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.port}.

renderer (String)

Renderer to use, can be io.yupiik.asciidoc.renderer.html.AsciidoctorLikeHtmlRenderer, io.yupiik.asciidoc.renderer.html.ShowerRenderer or any fully qualified name of a visitor. Default value: io.yupiik.asciidoc.renderer.html.AsciidoctorLikeHtmlRenderer. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.renderer}.

sectionTag (String)

section tag for default asciidoctor like renderer. Default value: div. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.sectionTag}.

skipGlobalContentWrapper (boolean)

should the div.content wrapper for the whole rendering be skipped. Default value: false. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.skipGlobalContentWrapper}.

skipSectionBody (boolean)

should section body div wrappers be skipped (can be useful for some theming). Default value: false. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.skipSectionBody}.

supportsDataAttributes (boolean)

should html data attributes be supported. Default value: true. Property: ${yupiik.asciidoc.supportsDataAttributes}.

watch (long)

If positive the rendering will loop with a delay of this value. Default value: -1. Property: ${}.