List available linting rules (ease exclusions for ex).



To call this goal from the command line execute: mvn bundlebee:list-lint-rules.

To bind this goal in the build you can use:

        <!-- execution specific configuration come there -->

You can execute this goal particularly with mvn bundlebee:list-lint-rules@my-execution command.


customPlaceholders (Map)

Custom properties injected in the main, it is often used for placeholders. If the key (tag in pom) starts with bundlebee-placeholder-import then the value is resolved as a properties file which is injected in the resulting placeholders (indirect placeholders). Property: ${bundlebee.list-lint-rules.customPlaceholders}.

packaging (String)

Current module packaging. Default value: ${project.packaging}. Property: ``.

skip (boolean)

Skip execution. Default value: false. Property: ${bundlebee.skip}.

skipMavenForcedFilteringForPlaceholders (boolean)

If true, bundlebee lookup in maven context will be one level only which means foo will be looked up as such in maven and not `${foo} which will work. Default value: false. Property: ${bundlebee.skipMavenForcedFilteringForPlaceholders}.

skipPackaging (List)

Skipped packaging types. Default value: pom. Property: ${bundlebee.skipPackaging}.

useDefaultLogging (boolean)

Should JUL logging redirected to Maven logging (enable it only if you set up maven to use JUL). Default value: false. Property: ${bundlebee.useDefaultLogging}.