BundleBee is a light Java package manager for Kubernetes applications. This page explains how to get started with it.


Java Mode

  1. Ensure to use java >= 11.0.7 (previous Java 11 versions can work but have an issue with TLS HTTP client you can hit).

  2. Download the bundlebee-core fat jar on https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/yupiik/bundlebee-core/ (ensure to take -fat.jar artifact).

  3. You can now run it with the command: java -jar bundlebee-core-<version>-fat.jar.


this only works for linux amd64 computers.
curl -L https://yupiik.github.io/bundlebee/install/install.sh | bash

since 1.0.3, once installed this way (and your PATH variable updated to include bundlebee) you can use check-update command to check if a new version is available:bundlebee check-update [--update true]. The --update true option enables to automatically replace the binary if needed, not specifying it will just log if a new version can be downloaded.

Create your first alveolus


BundleBee assumes it is installed itself indeed but depending how you package your alveolus it can require Java (>= 8) and Maven. If they are not installed on your system, we encourage you to use sdkman to do so.

this can be replaced by any zip packager and is not a strong requirement.

Start with a maven project

There are a ton of ways to create a maven projects but here is the simplest one:

mvn archetype:generate \
    -DgroupId=com.company \
    -DartifactId=my-app-alveolus \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart \
    -DarchetypeVersion=1.4 \

Then you can go in my-app-alveolus/. You can run mvn package to ensure your java/maven setup is correct.

At that stage we can start working on our alveolus but if you want to be "purist" you can clean up the default skaffolded project: rm -Rf src/test/ src/main/java/.

To start working on our alveolus, we will create src/main/resources/bundlebee folder: mkdir -p src/main/resources/bundlebee.

At that stage your project should look like:

├── pom.xml
└── src
    └── main
        └── resources
            └── bundlebee

To describe an application, you have to create a manifest.json file in this bundlebee folder:

  "alveoli": [
      "name": "hello", (1)
      "descriptors": [
          "name": "hello-world", (2)
          "location": "src/main/resources" (3)
  1. Creates an alveolus named "hello",
  2. "hello" alveolus will use as descriptor (.yaml) "hello-world.yaml" which will be found in src/main/resources/ bundlebee/kubernetes ,
  3. References Bundlebee base folder because we are deploying in exploded mode (and not in a packaged jar).

Then add the referenced Kubernetes descriptor in kubernetes subfolder:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-deployment
    app: hello
  replicas: 1
      app: hello
        app: hello
        - name: hello
          image: hello-world:latest

Here nothing changes from a "normal" .yaml used with kubectl.

Now you can deploy this executing bundlebee apply --alveolus hello --manifest ./src/main/resources/bundlebee/manifest.json.

And that's it, now hello world application should be up and running in your Kubernetes cluster.


it is more than encouraged to name the kubernetes descriptor based on the project unique identifier. For example <groupId>.<artifactId>.<alveolus_name>.yaml. It will avoid conflicts when multiple alveolus are in the same classpath using native java mode and not file driven mode.

You could also have used the bundlebee-maven-plugin, simply add it in the plugins section of the pom.xml :

            <manifest>${project.basedir}/src/main/resources/bundlebee/manifest.json</manifest> (1)
  1. Reference to the deployment entry point of your module, it is optional if bundled in a transitive dependency.

Then you can deploy this executing mvn bundlebee:apply@hello-world.

Start from scratch (without Java and Maven)

In this part we will reuse the descriptors of Start with maven section so we will just show how to bundle without Java/Maven the alveolus.

The overall goal is to create a zip containing the manifest.json and the Kubernetes descriptor. Here is a small script helping to do that:

#! /bin/bash

base="my-app-alveolus" (1)
mkdir -p "$base/bundlebee/" "$base/bundlebee/kubernetes/" (2)
  1. The name of the project (will create a root directory with this name)
  2. Create the alveolus structure

Now you can copy the descriptors as in Start with maven section in my-app-alveolus/bundlebee/ folder.

Once done we just have to bundle it as a zip. One option on UNIx system is to use this command:

#! /bin/bash

base="my-app-alveolus" (1)

cd "$base"
zip "$base.zip" -r . (2)
  1. Reuse the same setup than in previous script
  2. Create a zip containing the alveolus structure using zip command

And that's it.

this trick to create a zip can be adapted to any language (javascript, typescript, go, python, ruby, ...) and enables to bundle an alveolus in any build tool very easily.

Going futher (K8s operator)

To learn how to deploy directly an Alveolus on Kubernetes you can check out our Operator documentation.

Define custom templates

You can use an alveolus as a template for others providing contextual placeholders. Learn more about this in template documentation.

Testing your alveoli with JUnit 5

Bundlebee provides a light testing framework integrated with JUnit 5 to ease the validation of alveoli. Learn more about this in junit5 documentation.

Integrate with ArgoCD

If you are using (or will to use) ArgoCD^ , you can still use BundleBee if you configure it as a plugin. See the related documentation.