Name: deploy.

Build and deploy a project. It inherits from most configuration of build command and adds remote repository settings.



Bundle artifactId.


Where to build (for build/temp files). Default value: target


If true it will be added to your local maven repository too. Default value: true


Project to build. Default value: .


If true it enables to upload an artifact even if already present. When auto it enables it for snapshots but not for releases. Default value: auto


Bundle groupId.


If not skip it will deploy the artifact on a remote repository (nexus v2 or v3). Syntax must be a URL pointing to the REST API (base URL). If you don't set the userinfo (username:password) in the URL it will be looked up in your settings.xml - potentially ciphered - using the hostname as serverId until you force it with --serverId. Default value: skip


Nexus repository. It is the repository name the artifact(s) will be uploaded to. If auto, it will be maven-releases if the version is a release one and maven-snapshots otherwise. Default value: auto


ServerId to lookup from your maven settings.xml for remote deployment if enabled (nexus authentication).


Bundle version.

Inherited Global Configuration


for these configurations, don't hesitate to use ~/.bundlebeerc or --config-file <path to config> (just remove the -- prefix from option keys).

--bundlebee.awaiter.retryInterval (BUNDLEBEE_AWAITER_RETRYINTERVAL)

How often to retry for a descriptor condition. Increasing it will reduce the pressure on the Kubernetes REST API (rate limiting for example). Default value: 500

--bundlebee.httpclient.connectTimeout (BUNDLEBEE_HTTPCLIENT_CONNECTTIMEOUT)

The HTTP client connect timeout (in java Duration format), none can be used to ignore this setting. Default value: none

--bundlebee.httpclient.followRedirects (BUNDLEBEE_HTTPCLIENT_FOLLOWREDIRECTS)

The HTTP client redirect policy. Default to NORMAL, can be set to ALWAYS or NEVER. Default value: NORMAL

--bundlebee.httpclient.forcedHttpVersion (BUNDLEBEE_HTTPCLIENT_FORCEDHTTPVERSION)

The HTTP client version, none mean the JVM default (v2), HTTP_1_1 v1.1 and HTTP_2 v2.0. Default value: none

--bundlebee.httpclient.threads (BUNDLEBEE_HTTPCLIENT_THREADS)

How many threads are allocated to async HTTP client, negative or zero value means to use common pool. Default value: -1

--bundlebee.kube.api (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_API)

When kubeconfig is not set the base API endpoint. Default value: http://localhost:8080

--bundlebee.kube.context (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_CONTEXT)

When kubeconfig (explicit or not) is used, the context to use. If not set it is taken from the kubeconfig itself.

--bundlebee.kube.customMetadataInjectionPoint (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_CUSTOMMETADATAINJECTIONPOINT)

When using custom metadata (bundlebee ones or timestamp to force a rollout), where to inject them. Default uses labels since it enables to query them later on but you can switch it to annotations. Default value: labels

--bundlebee.kube.defaultPropagationPolicy (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_DEFAULTPROPAGATIONPOLICY)

Default value for deletions of propagationPolicy. Values can be Orphan, Foreground and Background. Default value: Foreground

--bundlebee.kube.dryRun (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_DRYRUN)

If true http requests/responses are skipped. Note that dry run implies verbose=true for the http client. Note that as of today, all responses are mocked by a HTTP 200 and an empty JSON payload. Default value: false

--bundlebee.kube.fieldValidation (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_FIELDVALIDATION)

fieldValidation - server side validation - value when applying a descriptor, values can be Strict, Warn pr Ignore. Note that using skip will ignore the query parameter. Default value: Strict

--bundlebee.kube.filters.statefuleset.spec.allowed (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_FILTERS_STATEFULESET_SPEC_ALLOWED)

The attributes to keep from StatefulSet (spec children) descriptor on updates. Default value: replicas,template,updateStrategy,persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy,minReadySeconds,serviceName,selector

--bundlebee.kube.force (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_FORCE)

By default a descriptor update is done using PATCH with strategic merge patch logic, if set to true it will use a plain PUT. Note that io.yupiik.bundlebee/putOnUpdate annotations can be set to true to force that in the descriptor itself and for cases it is not enough, you can set force to true to delete the descriptor before applying it again (move from clusterip to nodeport or the opposite in a serice for ex). Note that you can set it to true in a descriptor annotation io.yupiik.bundlebee/force too to not be global. Default value: false

--bundlebee.kube.http.timeout (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_HTTP_TIMEOUT)

HTTP timeout in ms, ignored if <= 0. Default value: 60000

--bundlebee.kube.implicitlyDroppedAttributes (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_IMPLICITLYDROPPEDATTRIBUTES)

Enables to tolerate custom attributes in the descriptors. Typically used to drop /$schema attribute which enables a nice completion in editors. Values are | delimited and are either a JSON-Pointer (wrapped in a remove JSON-Patch) or directly a JSON-Patch. Using none ignores this processing. Default value: /$schema|/$bundlebeeIgnoredLintingRules

--bundlebee.kube.logDescriptorOnParsingError (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_LOGDESCRIPTORONPARSINGERROR)

Should YAML/JSON be logged when it can't be parsed. Default value: true

--bundlebee.kube.namespace (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_NAMESPACE)

When kubeconfig is not set the namespace to use. Default value: default

--bundlebee.kube.patchContentType (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PATCHCONTENTTYPE)

Default header value for PATCH content-type requests header. It uses strategic merge patch algorithm but in some cases you just want to use application/json or (better) application/merge-patch+json. Annotation io.yupiik.bundlebee/patchContentType is also supported. Default value: application/strategic-merge-patch+json (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PROXY_HOST)

If a proxy is needed to contact the target cluster API, its host, ignore if not set.

--bundlebee.kube.proxy.password (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PROXY_PASSWORD)

If a proxy is needed to contact the target cluster API, its password if it needs an authentication (take care the JVM can nee -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes= options).

--bundlebee.kube.proxy.port (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PROXY_PORT)

If a proxy is needed to contact the target cluster API, its port. Default value: 3128

--bundlebee.kube.proxy.setProxySystemProperties (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PROXY_SETPROXYSYSTEMPROPERTIES)

If a proxy is configured to use authentication, automatically set -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes=, note that setting it on the JVM is still more reliable depending how you run bundlebee (in particular with maven or embed). Important: the system property is "leaked", ie it is not cleaned up to limit side effect in concurrent mode. Default value: true

--bundlebee.kube.proxy.username (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PROXY_USERNAME)

If a proxy is needed to contact the target cluster API, its username if it needs an authentication (take care the JVM can nee -Djdk.http.auth.tunneling.disabledSchemes= options).

--bundlebee.kube.putOnUpdate (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_PUTONUPDATE)

By default a descriptor update is done using PATCH with strategic merge patch logic, if set to true it will use a plain PUT. Note that io.yupiik.bundlebee/putOnUpdate annotations can be set to true to force that in the descriptor itself. Default value: false

--bundlebee.kube.rateLimiter.enabled (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_RATELIMITER_ENABLED)

Should HTTP client requests be limited and HTTP 427 responses be handled. Default value: false

--bundlebee.kube.rateLimiter.permits (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_RATELIMITER_PERMITS)

How many calls can be done if rate limiting is enabled. Note that setting it to Integer.MAX_VALUE will disable the client rate limiting and only enable server one. Default value: 100

--bundlebee.kube.rateLimiter.window (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_RATELIMITER_WINDOW)

Rate limiting window duration in milliseconds (default being 1 second). Default value: 1000

--bundlebee.kube.resourceMapping (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_RESOURCEMAPPING)

Enables to define resource mapping, syntax uses propeties one: <lowercased resource kind>s = /apis/..... Default value:

--bundlebee.kube.skipDryRunForGet (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_SKIPDRYRUNFORGET)

If true GET http requests are not skipped when dryRun is true. Default value: false

--bundlebee.kube.skipUpdateForKinds (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_SKIPUPDATEFORKINDS)

List of kind of descriptors updates can be skipped, it is often useful for PersistentVolumeClaim. Default value: PersistentVolumeClaim

--bundlebee.kube.token (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_TOKEN)

When kubeconfig is set to explicit, the bearer token to use (if set).

--bundlebee.kube.validateSSL (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_VALIDATESSL)

Should SSL connector be validated or not. Default value: true

--bundlebee.kube.verbose (BUNDLEBEE_KUBE_VERBOSE)

If true http requests/responses to Kubernetes will be logged. Default value: false

--bundlebee.maven.cache (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_CACHE)

Where to cache maven dependencies. If set to auto, tries to read the system property maven.repo.local then the settings.xml localRepository and finally it would fallback on $HOME/.m2/repository. Default value: auto

--bundlebee.maven.forceCustomSettingsXml (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_FORCECUSTOMSETTINGSXML)

If true we only use cache value and never fallback on default maven settings.xml location. Default value: false

--bundlebee.maven.http.connectTimeout (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_HTTP_CONNECTTIMEOUT)

When fetching a dependency using HTTP, the connection timeout for this dependency. Default value: 30000

--bundlebee.maven.preferCustomSettingsXml (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_PREFERCUSTOMSETTINGSXML)

If false we first try to read settings.xml file(s) in cache location before the default one. Default value: true

--bundlebee.maven.repositories.downloads.enabled (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_REPOSITORIES_DOWNLOADS_ENABLED)

Enable the download, i.e. ensure it runs only with local maven repository. Default value: false

--bundlebee.maven.repositories.httpHeaders (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_REPOSITORIES_HTTPHEADERS)

Properties to define the headers to set per repository, syntax is host1=headerName headerValue and it supports as much lines as used repositories. Note that you can use maven ~/.m2/settings.xml servers (potentially ciphered) username/password pairs. In this last case the server id must be bundlebee.<server host>. Still in settings.xml case, if the username is null the password value is used as raw Authorization header else username/password is encoded as a basic header.

--bundlebee.maven.repositories.release (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_REPOSITORIES_RELEASE)

Default release repository. Default value:

--bundlebee.maven.repositories.snapshot (BUNDLEBEE_MAVEN_REPOSITORIES_SNAPSHOT)

Default snapshot repository, not set by default.

--kubeconfig (KUBECONFIG)

Kubeconfig location. If set to auto it will try to guess from your $HOME/.kube/config file until you set it so explicit where it will use other bundlebee.kube properties to create the client. The content can also be set inline!. Default value: auto