Available Alveoli
- elasticsearch-local ): setup "elasticsearch-local" which runs an Elasticsearch instance usable by other applications.
- grafana-simple ): simple Grafana instance, note we preconfigure it with Loki, Prometheus and grafana alveoli, ensure to override the configuration if you don't use them.
- kafka-local ): setup "kafka-local" which runs an Apache Kafka instance usable by other applications.
- loki-simple ): loki setup to aggregate service logs using promtail, the prometheus for logs.
Starting from 1.0.20, the Promtail descriptor moved from Deployment to DaemonSet. |
- minio-local ): setup "minio-local" which runs a MinIO instance usable by other applications.
- monitoring-alveolus ): includes loki+prometheus+zipkin+grafana at once.
You can set --monitoring.namespace to deploy the full stack in a dedicated namespace. |
Starting from 1.0.20, we added the resource request/limit placeHolder with default in all the dependencies. You can remove them by patching the descriptor like:
"op": "remove",
"path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/resources"
You need to add this in all the descriptor dependencies.
- postgres-local ): setup "postgres-local" which runs a PostgreSQL instance usable by other applications.
- prometheus-simple ): prometheus local/dev setup. Will be available on http://$(PROMETHEUS SERVICESERVICEHOST):$(PROMETHEUSSERVICESERVICEPORT).
- zipkin-simple ): zipkin in memory setup. Will be available on http://$(ZIPKIN SERVICESERVICEHOST):$(ZIPKINSERVICESERVICEPORT). For example http://$(ZIPKIN SERVICESERVICEHOST):$(ZIPKINSERVICESERVICEPORT)/api/v2/spans to push spans through HTTP.