Docker let you run applications or webapps under containers.

When working with automating deployment like Kubernetes , some bug or undesired behaviour can happen on a java application inside a container, but not reproducible outside the container.

Debug a container in IDE

It is quite easy to pass on debug mode when launching a container, by adding to the "docker run" command :

docker run -e \ (1)
"_JAVA_OPTIONS= -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=" \ (2)
-p 5005:5005 \ (3)
image-name:image-version (4)
  1. Launches a container, using environment variable (`-e)
  2. Permits remote java debugging, on port 5005 inside the created container, and waits for listener on this port before starting.
  3. Binds port 5005 inside the container on port 5005 on the host.
  4. Container will use the image image-name , and version image-version .

After executing the command, the container will be running, waiting for a listener on port 5005 to start. Take your favourite IDE and listen or attach process on port 5005, you're on debug inside of your container.

Basic Example

Create a in package "test", and put a breakpoint on the "System.out.println()" line :

package test;

public class TestDebugMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("HelloWorld from Java Application running in Docker.");

Create a folder "debug-test", put the under "debug-test/test/". Create a Dockerfile under "debug-test" :

FROM java:8
COPY test/ /test/
RUN javac test/
CMD ["java", "test/TestDebugMain"]

Here is the final tree :

├── Dockerfile
└── test

With the terminal, go under "test-debug" folder, and build the docker image "test-debug", :

docker build -t test-debug .

finally, let's launch a container with that image, and the debug mode, as explained at the begin of this topic (don't forget to add the breakpoint in your IDE) :

docker run \
-e "_JAVA_OPTIONS= -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=" \
-p 5005:5005 test-debug:latest

Go to your IDE, and attach to process at port 5005, and that's it !

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